Your Spiritual Evolution
In sessions, I use my psychic ability, mediumship, telepathy, intuition and contact with spirit guides, to help you activate your spiritual ascension and get to know (and heal) your soul's past lives.
In sessions you will:
Learn how to tap in to higher levels of consciousness
Get to know your soul and spirit
Grow and evolve your intuition
Learn energy management & safe practice
Discover and release trapped emotions you carry from your past lives and ancestors.
Meet & receive communication from your spirit guides through my light language
& learn how to look out for signs from them
Access past lives through meditation-style past life regression (no hypnosis needed)
It may be that you have experienced something of the spirit world or of a spiritual nature, such as a sixth sense, a high level of intuition, felt a spirit presence around you, had connection with a spirit being or seen visions of places you've never been, or future events before they happen. There are many other signs that can lead to being curious about or feeling connected to the worlds beyond our physical one. Seeing numbers repetitively, synchronicities, ringing in the ears, seeing colours around people, lucid or vivid dreams and déja vu are just some of the other signs to look out for.
Often, many people experience a richness to life once they have explored and activated the spiritual nature of life, themselves, other levels of consciousness and the spirit worlds.
These include:
- A feeling that you are connected to something bigger, beyond the physical world.
- Pain - emotional, mental and/or physical - that doesn't make sense, phobias, lack of direction or feeling separate from the 3D world.
- Feeling like there is a void in you, like an empty space, or a sadness or emotional reactions to things that don't make any sense.
- An overwhelming sense of connection to nature.
- The desire to understand and connect with yourself on a deeper level (even if you don't know what that involves yet).
- You have a lot of questions! What is in the 5D world? Are there other dimensions? Is time non-linear and can we time travel? Do other beings on other planets exist? Is there a God or Source energy or overarching powerful life force or greater intelligence (which many refer to as the Universe) that created everything we came from? And do we have past lives?
What is a Spiritual Awakening?
A "spiritual awakening" is, generally speaking, a newfound awareness of the spiritual reality or levels of consciousness beyond the physical world as we know it. It can be gradual or rapid, and there are many different levels. It can mean experiencing bliss or nirvana in some way, having seen beyond your personal and collective programs, beliefs and systems that much of humanity lives by, or it can mean at a more expansive level, a connection with the non-physical world in any number of ways (telepathy, visions, emotional signs, contact with spirits) that brings with it a deeper understanding and experience of the world/s beyond our physical one.
How Do I Have a Spiritual Awakening?
Note that everyone's awakening experience is different and there are no two alike. What activates one person's journey can be different to another's. Yet an absolutely necessary part of it will be healing - or 'clearing' - your body energetically to aid it forward. Scientifically, energy healing via muscle testing (Energy Release Therapy) allows us to remove any trapped energy blocking your energy highways (meridian lines all over your body), so that light, and good energy can flow properly, allowing a clearer pathway in your third eye.
Energy Release Therapy is one of the easiest and safest way to do this. I will guide you to awaken and ascend at your own pace, with safety at the forefront. Some clients come to me more awakened than others, and some not at all. You'll receive information from your spirit guides (often in the first or second session), whilst evolving emotionally, spiritually and mentally at a pace that is right for you. Perspectives, beliefs and thought patterns will also start to shift during the sessions.
)Other Tools for Awakening
- It's also helpful to become inquisitive about both spirituality and the science behind energy (including your own), vibration, frequency and consciousness, which will help you to understand how spiritual experiences are possible and very much real.
- Balancing the Self and Egoic Mind: Knowing and understanding your spiritual self starts with balancing self and ego, and so shedding habitual protective skins from your egoic mind and your idea or 'image' of yourself. It starts with accessing and getting to know what's in your subconscious mind, and connecting to your higher self (yes it's real, and it isn't interested in judging you!)
- Losing fear, doing some shadow work and understanding how cultural and learned beliefs have affected you personally, all greatly help.
- Things like brainwave frequency music, meditation, breathwork, some types of yoga, hypnosis, sound baths and shamanic journeying can all help activate spiritual growth and evolution, and I highly recommend them, but know that what works for one person may not work for another.
- Your spirit is a very real part of you, and is the side of us that holds the treasure of information which explains so much of what we don't understand about ourselves. And that can unlock new perspectives, more happiness, healing, and a sense of peace about who we are and our life journey so far.
- It can also greatly benefit the other sides of us - emotionally, mentally and physically. As well as people in our lives.
Spiritual Blockages
My Own Spiritual Awakening